I love to make birthday cakes! I only get to make them for my kids birthdays or parties we have because they can get pretty complicated and time consuming. My daughter has her second birthday coming up soon and I am trying to decide what kind of cake to make her. I have a new butterfly cake pan and I might even be able to do a standing butterfly! I love making stand up cakes like this sunflower I made for her birthday last year, but you have to use pound cake and they are very difficult to frost. Thankfully my bff was on hand to help me with this one!

Here's a Dinosaur pull apart cake that I made for Ashers birthday last year, fun and easy since we had just moved.

This is my favorite part! It doesn't get any better than when the are covered in frosting and giggling like crazy!

A skull cake I made for last years Halloween BBQ. This one was surprisingly hard to frost considering it's such a simple design.

I only have a few weeks left before I get to make another cake and the choices are endless! Butterflies, flowers, a fish bowl, a teddy bear island?? Just wait and see!!
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