Recently my escape artist horse has had a much harder time getting out. Since he can't leave he's found some new ways to amuse himself around the farm. He's gotten into the chicken coop and I mean all the way in! He's so big the roof was resting on his butt and he got a couple scratches for his effort. I worked quite a while cleaning paddocks today getting them ready to put gravel in to help with drainage. My nosy horse came to "help" by knocking over the muck buckets after I filled them up. He also "helped" Mango finish her food even though she didn't offer. Buckshot has always been very nosy and will come snoop on the house and look in our windows. Two mornings ago I heard weird thumping on the porch but the dogs and cats were all in. When I went to let the dogs out a large section of our screened in porch was missing the screen. I am not positive that he did it, but my dear husband is convinced that the noise I heard was Buckshot rubbing his booty on the porch to scratch it and tearing down the screen. I thought it sounded like something was in the porch maybe a raccoon or possum. Whatever it was I still have to mend the porch.
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