My horse Buckshot is a pretty funny fellow. He likes to go for walks and will test the gates to see if they're locked. Evidently he found an open gate this morning because at 7:55 AM I received a phone call. "Hi this is Solano County Animal Control, do you own a white horse with brown spots?" I immediately started running for the door "Yes, I do. Where is he?", they tell me "In front of the fire station". I am hauling ass out the back door headed across the pasture when I see Buckshot and two escorts standing at the pasture gate. Some nice men (they must be my neighbors down the street) saw him walking down the sidewalk headed towards the underpass (and the freeway) and walked him home, the guys called the police when they realized that the pasture gate was locked and couldn't figure out how to get him back in. I guess he didn't bother to mention that he had come out the backyard gate and down the driveway. We've found him in the driveway a couple of times and I am starting to wonder if he can open the backyard gate. At least he wasn't at the bar again this time! After all this when I was walking him back in he kept giving me this look like "What Mom? I stayed on the sidewalk." He was being so calm and sweet that I hopped on for a quick ride around the yard and cuddle before giving him his breakfast. That was probably his plan all along. I can see him out in the pasture plotting "If I open the gate and leave someone will call Mom to pick me up. Then I'll make cute faces until she gives me food."
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